
liz asked 7 years ago

Hi, love your site!!! It has to be great if my husband read and kept reading it! Alas tho, I am getting overwhelmed again. I have a couple of questions. We’re looking at visiting the Southern Caribe, Southern and mid Pacific, and southern Guanacaste (south of and includingTamarindo), and Monteverde/Arenal.  We are flying in and out of San Jose with 21 days, 2 of them fly days, arriving San Jose Feb 9, (soon!) at 5:30pm. Do all those areas sound feasible for 19 days? We will rent a car whenever needed or is the best idea to, we love road trips. But it seems like sometimes its a waste with certain areas. Can car rentals be one way? We love the boat, ferry trip ideas in some areas.  Im confused about the Van/boat/van trip at Arenal. Cant find any info. I saw a suggestion of biking to the boat that crosses Arenal, but what happens if we have a rental car? Same as Drake Bay- where does the rental car go if boating to the bay? The crossing of rivers seems to risky to me on the road there.  We’re not extreme sporters, like shorter hikes, snorkeling and biking. We want to relax of course, (car driving can be relaxing for us) because we are always compelled to go see everything. I’m afraid we may have to choose between Drake and the Caribe, (we love the Caribbean, and are very curious about your area of it). My biggest issue is how to strategize fitting it all together,- a route I guess you might say. Thanks so much- Im so happy a young family like yours can have such a wonderful experience like you’re having- and can help all of us!!  Best, Liz

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Liz, 
You have a lot of questions here and while we would love to answer them all, maybe would benefit from our Itinerary Service instead. That would allow us to narrow things down for you and make sure your route and transportation choices are right for the goals of the trip. You can also read our articles, for instance Drake Bay, to learn how to get there and what to do with the car. Our Top 10 Costa Rica Itineraries Book might also help and has a transportation section that explains some of those routes and transport options.