Moving around Jaco

PaxDix asked 8 years ago

We are coming to Jaco for our honeymoon soon and are staying in a house. As it’s our first time there and we’re not too adventourous, we would like to enjoy and avoid too much travel and exploration.
What is the easiest way to move around Jaco? Are there local taxis and how to get them?
what are the nicest beaches that offer sunbeds and some food and drinks? We love the 5* hotel photos but do not know how to fins beaches like that in or around Jaco.
thank you!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi PaxDix, 
Yes, taxis are available around Jaco. The house you are renting from should be able to help you with a phone number/contact for one. You can find chairs and umbrellas for rent right on the main beach in Jaco. It’s a nice beach but not the best with grayish sand, some palm trees but not many, and some waves. But it has a lot nearby so it is fun. Another option, a little further away is Playa Blanca. This beach is really beautiful with white sand, palm trees, nice water, etc. It’s probably the best in the area. There is a resort there called Punta Leona. Maybe you could see if they do a day pass or something to use the chairs, restaurant, etc.