Monteverde with Senior Citizens

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsMonteverde with Senior Citizens
kimber4007 asked 8 years ago

Hello. My name is Kim and I just found your site this morning. I am trying to plan a trip for my husband and I to take his 78 year-old aunt and 83 year-old uncle on their Bucket List trip. They are avid bird watchers and love all aspects of nature. They want to go to Monteverde. I am doing well finding lodging, I think, but I am concerned with travel from San Jose and when to go. I have read articles about how bad the drive is to Monteverde, but after watching your video, maybe not so bad?
I want to be sure they can enjoy the visit and they want to avoid as much rain as possible. However, travel for us is best in early April. What can we expect weather-wise?
Thank you

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Kim, 
What a great idea for a bucket list trip! Thanks for checking out our site. We actually took that video of the road to Monteverde in late-April so the conditions might be similar or even better. Also while we were there we didn’t experience much rain at all. In fact the one time it did rain, the whole town was celebrating since it had been so dry for months. Monteverde is a great place for birding so I’m sure your aunt and uncle will enjoy themselves. Not sure if you saw it already but we wrote a post about the Curi Cancha Reserve, which in our opinion was one of the best birding spots there. Also, if you are looking for another destination for birding, we might suggest pairing Monteverde with the Jaco/Tarcoles area. Carara National Park is in a transition zone between different habitats and has some amazing species. It’s also close to the SJO airport (about 1.5 hours) so would be a good start/end point. Hope this was helpful, have a great family trip!