Liberia vs. San Jose Flights

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Itinerary QuestionsLiberia vs. San Jose Flights
tm asked 8 years ago

Hello, we are a family of 5 with children ages 2, 7 and 9 when we plan to travel for 2 weeks to CR in March. We have noticed seat sales today that are making us think that we should buy our tickets by the end of the day although our itinerary isn’t set yet…
Our priorities are seeing wildlife and jungle as well as some beach time. We’d love to see both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts but not sure if that’s realistic.
Can you suggest some key destinations you’d prioritise for our family? (We’d pictured ourselves renting a car.) And with these stops in mind, would you suggest flying in and out of San Jose or is it worthwhile using Liberia on one end of the trip to shorten drive times to a key destination? We can easily get international flights to either city.
Thanks for your help – we’d love further assistance once we have booked our tickets and are planning the details of the trip.

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi tm, 
It’s hard to say exactly where to suggest without knowing the specific activities that you are interested in but on the surface (wildlife & jungle, and visiting both coasts) we would say that San Jose (SJO) would give you the most options. Some destinations you might like for the family are Manuel Antonio, La Fortuna, Puerto Viejo, Tortuguero (requires small boat shuttle if you are okay with that) and maybe Monteverde. There are lots of other towns though that would be a good fit depending on your interests, you can take a look at our Destinations Summary Guide to get short descriptions of the major towns. Once you buy tickets we would be happy to help you with specifics. Just get in touch through our Itinerary Help Page. Good luck with tickets!