Experienced hiker looking to explore the best trails in CR for 1 week in January

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Itinerary QuestionsExperienced hiker looking to explore the best trails in CR for 1 week in January
zenvision asked 8 years ago

Hello! I’m a 33 y/o guy from California coming solo to CR for 1 week this January for a nature/hiking adventure. Not really looking to spend any time in cities. Just want to explore National Parks and the most beautiful and challenging/rewarding nature areas. I’m fit and an experienced mountaineer so the more challanging the better. I will be arriving and departing in Liberia. So far I’ve identified several areas of interest: La Fortuna Waterfall hike; Arenal area, Monteverde Cloud forest, and Manuel Antonio. I’m going to be renting a car and I’m willing to drive quite a bit to different places. Not looking to go with a guide except if absolutely necessary. Advice would be appreciated regarding the best trails in the areas I mentioned and any other ideas anyone may have. Thank you very much—-Ben

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Ben, 
Hiking is our thing too. You could look at the Cerro Chato hike in La Fortuna, that’s a good challenging one. Also, sort of nearby is the Rio Celeste, which is a good hike to a stunning waterfall. Monteverde is a good choice too, you could do some of the reserves and there is also a trail near Hotel Belmar, that goes up to the highest point in the area. On the way between La Fortuna and Monteverde, you could also maybe check out the Viento Fresco Waterfalls. There’s a few ideas anyway. Happy hiking!