Driving from La Fortuna to Playa Samara

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsDriving from La Fortuna to Playa Samara
db0528 asked 8 years ago

We will be driving from La Fortuna to Playa Samara and assuming that taking the southern route through Canas and Nicoya is the way to go but would like your opinion.  Also, can you recommend anything to stop and see along the way to break up the trip?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi db0528,
Yes the best route from La Fortuna to Samara is to drive to Canas first (Route 142). Then go south on Route 1, connect with Route 18, go north on Route 21 to Nicoya. Then it is a straight shot down Route 150 to Samara. All these roads are paved and do not require 4×4. It’s a really beautiful drive, although curvy at times. 
For stops, you should check out our 6 Great Eats Around Lake Arenal post for restaurant recommendations (breakfast?) and could also consider stopping at Las Pumas Rescue Center in Canas to break up the drive. They have secure parking so it will be safe with your bags in the car but just in case always carry your most valuable documents and possessions with you when parking somewhere. Also, make sure to check out our Rental Car Discount since you are driving….Have a great trip!