Drake Bay or Puerto Jimenez

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Itinerary QuestionsDrake Bay or Puerto Jimenez
apriest11 asked 7 years ago

My boyfriend and I will be traveling to Costa Rica in September. We want to do an overnight in Corcovado National Park. We are very much into all the wildlife we can possibly see and just take in the rainforest. We plan to fly from San Jose to Drake Bay or Puerto Jimenez but not sure which place to stay and better access to the national park. We figure fly in one day, stay the night, and begin the national park tour the next day? We are on a bit of a budget, we do not need to stay somewhere super fancy. Any advice you can give us would be much appreciated!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi apriest11, 
You can access the park from either Drake Bay or Puerto Jimenez but you have more options from Puerto Jimenez. From Drake Bay you have to take a boat to either Sirena or San Pedrillo ranger stations to enter the park. From Puerto Jimenez, you can get there by shared bus/truck going through either La Leona, Los Patos or a new one at the El Tigre entrance. So if you are on a budget, you might find more options there.