
Char asked 6 years ago

Good day,
We are currently planning our trip to Costa Rica and off course, we will not miss Corcovado NP. We will hire a rental car and are coming from San Jose direction. I believe that Drake Bay or Puerto Jimenez will be the best placed to stay but can we reach both places with a rental car? We don’t know which place to choose as all website tell different stories.

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Char, 
You can reach Puerto Jimenez by rental car in August but not Drake Bay. For Drake Bay, you would leave the car parked in Sierpe. Read our Drake Bay post for more information on that. From either location you can reach Corcovado National Park.
If you want to hike in and spend several nights, we would recommend Puerto Jimenez. If you would rather visit a ranger station like Sirena for just a day or 1 night stay, it would probably be easier and more affordable from Drake Bay.