cheaper transportation

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation Questionscheaper transportation
Caren asked 7 years ago

Thank you so much for answering one of my questions in lodging, which leads me to another one, lol.   You said things were spread out in La Fortuna so a car is recommended.  We were not going to, we just figured we can take cabs locally or the exclusions include transportation OR the hotel provides it etc.  However the transfers alone to Nayara Springs from Liberia are already 195 EACH way, that is almost 400 already.  Then if we do have to pay a lot to go here and there.  Maybe renting a car is best, especially if the hotel does not charge for parking.  How safe/difficult is the drive from Liberia to Nayara Springs if you were to rent a car?  Thanks! 

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Caren,

I think we’ve answered a few different questions from you already at this point. I wish we had more time, but we have a lot of other people to help so here are some quick thoughts on this question.

Yes, the Nayara is a decent drive from downtown La Fortuna/restaurants and many attractions/activities. A lot of tours do include transportation but often it is at an additional cost, which adds up.

The drive from Liberia to Arenal isn’t too bad, just avoid doing it at night. The last stretch around Lake Arenal is especially curvy and dark. You can read our Road Conditions post for more specifics.