Answer for Suggested Packing List for 2 Weeks in CR

Packing List for Rainy Season
All of the stuff we listed above in response to Carolyn’s question plus these things:

  • Umbrella
  • A good raincoat that is breathable: Jenn hathis Columbia one and loves it and Matt really likes his Patagonia one because it packs up really small.
  • Shoes that you don’t mind getting wet: If you’re going out to dinner, etc. and have to walk, it’s nice to have some casual waterproof shoes like Crocs in case it’s pouring rain. 
  • Raincovers for your backpack if you’re going to be backpacking
  • Bug Spray: It’s in the list above, but we can’t emphasize enough the importance of having it for the rainy season. Costa Rica has some mosquito-borne illnesses that you don’t want to get. Here’s a link for some travel size options.
  • Lightweight pants: If you’re going to be hiking/walking in the forest, lightweight pants are good for avoiding bug bites. They are also great if it gets a little cool ut

*Also check out our post on traveling to Costa Rica in the rainy season. It has lots of tips and info on advantages/disadvantages as well as best times to visit.