Answer for one week adventure and nature

Hi aronbike,
Thanks for checking out our itineraries book and glad it has been helpful with your planning. Your honeymoon itinerary sounds great. You’ll love Cahuita and Puerto Viejo for the local feel and wildlife (make sure to hike Cahuita National Park). The only suggestion we have is to maybe stay in one of the smaller towns near Jaco because Jaco is very built up and touristy and will be busy at the end of January. If you’re looking for a more authentic experience, the small fishing village of Tarcoles would be a good spot and it’s very close to Jaco. There are also some hotels in the surrounding mountains near Carara National Park that will have some great birding- staying there would work for you too since you’ll have a car.

If you haven’t already, make sure to check out our Rental Car Discount page. We have a relationship with a rental car company in Costa Rica and get discounts for our readers.

Have a wonderful honeymoon!