What are the options for a supermarket?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: General Travel QuestionsWhat are the options for a supermarket?
Wookie77 asked 7 years ago

Hello. I will be traveling, solo, to Costa Rica and want to pick-up some supplies when I arrive in country. I’m thinking things like a case of bottled water and what not. What are my options in and around San Jose? Thanks for any guidance you can provide.

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Wookie77,
Not sure what direction you are heading in from the airport, but the closest city to SJO is Alajuela. Alajuela has several grocery stores to choose from so is a good option. Keep in mind that all major tourist destinations have grocery stores that carry all the basics so you shouldn’t need to stock up too much in advance if you don’t want to.