Whalewatching- uvita vs drake bay

DWQA QuestionsCategory: General Travel QuestionsWhalewatching- uvita vs drake bay
wuwuwuwuwu asked 7 years ago

I loved your article about whale watching and I’m currently having a dilemma:
I’m a swede heading for Costa Rica in many purposes, but mostly traveling the long way there to see some whales (mostly humpbacks) I am currently in Nicaragua and will get in cr 5th of March. I’ve read it that it is possible (not high but still 60% chance) of seeing some whales in the beginning of March down south and am now planning if I should go to uvita (which is more convenient from San Jose) or try to head to drake bay.
I am wondering if it will make a difference in the possibility of spotting whales in beginning of March if I head to drake bay instead of uvita or if the chances are the same? I hope I made myself clear. For what in comes to budget I rather pay more for going to the place and the tour if the chances are higher. I would be so great full if you would help me with my questions.
Kindest regards

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Alma, 
I guess you’ve already arrived in Costa Rica so hopefully our answer isn’t too late. It’s hard to say if the chances are better in Drake Bay. The whales numbers are less during the migration this time of year and it is hard to say where they will be. Typically Uvita is a good spot because they like the areas around the offshore islands but Drake Bay has some similar characteristics. One thing to note is that you could stay in Uvita and get a snorkel tour out to Cano Island, near Drake Bay. This trip would cover a lot of distance and they typically stop to observe the whales if they see them. So that might be a good compromise so that you get a bit of both areas. If you need help booking a tour like that, let us know.