West Coast February trip mosquito question

DWQA QuestionsCategory: General Travel QuestionsWest Coast February trip mosquito question
robbievogel asked 8 years ago

Hi, I just found your site while researching a potential trip to Costa Rica. I read your piece on tips to prevent mosquito-borne illnesses which was great, but wanted to ask a more specific question. My gf and I (both mid-20s) are thinking of staying in an Airbnb near the beach on the west coast, in Esterillos Oeste. We’d only be there a short time, probably 3-4 nights, but are still somewhat concerned about mosquitoes and the possibility of zikia/dengue/etc. I know the media blows these things out of proportion and also that February is the dry season in CR which will limit the # of bugs. Just wondering if you have any insight on how worried we should be, particularly as many of these places don’t have bug nets or screens. Thanks! Love the site.

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Robbie,
The mosquitoes shouldn’t be bad that time of year in Esterillos since it rains infrequently so try not to worry. As long as you follow the usual precautions of wearing repellent, long pants when hiking, etc., you and your girlfriend should be totally fine. We would still recommend staying somewhere with screens or at least bug nets though. There can be mosquitoes even down at the beach and also noseeums too, which you don’t have to worry about for diseases but do cause itchy bites. Hope that helps give you an idea of what to expect. Thanks for checking out our website!