
capeme asked 8 years ago

I am interested in taking a waterfall repelling excursion but not is great physical shape. I read many different things about this so wondering if you all have any insight?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi capeme, 
Most tour companies have some guidelines in their tour description about weight and age requirements but it can still be hard to tell, even if you fit the parameters, if you’ll be up for the level of activity. We haven’t tried rappelling ourselves yet but do know that most adventure tour operators are used to having people of different physical abilities and are good about slowing things down, skipping certain parts, or splitting the group up when necessary. Probably the best thing to do would be to email them and let them know your fitness level (e.g. I can walk a 5k but am exhausted after or I have no problem doing…). Then they can tell you if that particular tour is right for you or recommend something else. Hope you have fun whatever you end up doing.