Would you visit Tortuguero with a 6 month old?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: General Travel QuestionsWould you visit Tortuguero with a 6 month old?
vg03id asked 7 years ago

We are traveling to Costa Rica for 3 weeks in February with our 6 month old. My spouse would very much like to visit Tortuguero my concerns are with the mosquito and humidity. I have read you article on mosquito prevention but I will also still be breastfeeding so options are limited.
I thought of purchasing something like this to go over the baby carrier on land & life jacket while holding him on the boat (overkill?|) – https://www.mec.ca/en/product/4013-766/Bug-Jacket
We would bring an infant regulated life jacket for the boat rides.Or take turns with tours if BB isn’t feeling it that day.
Would you recommend this as a stop in our itinerary?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi vg03id, 
The mosquitoes in Tortuguero aren’t typically any worse than in other destinations in Costa Rica (in our experience). Really it depends on the actual property you are staying at. When we look at hotels for ourselves and our clients, we always look for good screens or air conditioning. The same goes for the heat and humidity, the proper room setup (good fans, A/C) can make all the difference. Tortuguero will actually probably feel cooler than a lot of places in February (dry season, some places get very hot). So personally, I wouldn’t let those factors get in your way of visiting. The cover up might be overkill but it is better to have it and not regret leaving it at home. You may use it, especially if the little one is napping when you are out and about.