
RichB asked 8 years ago

Hi. I would like to go to Costa Rica in the low season and would be travelling alone for around 3 weeks. My main purpose of going would be to see all the beautiful wildlife there. I would be travelling on a budget and coming from Australia where our dollar is very low at the moment to the USD, can you tell me if it is possible to pay in Colon, for accommodation, travelling etc..I would be most happy to stay in homestays/guest houses and not expensive resorts..Do some guest houses accept local currency over USD, and is eating out charged in Colons or USD?…Thank you…

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi RichB, 
Yes you can have your card charged in Colones almost everywhere. Most of the time, prices at restaurants, hotels, and tour companies are in Colones but sometimes if the prices are in USD, you can just ask them to give you the bill in local Colones instead. If you are renting a guest house/ vacation rental from someone who is in the US, they might ask for payment in USD (through PayPal or something) but otherwise local rentals will likely be using the colon. Have a nice time.