Travelling by rental car

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsTravelling by rental car
rolevine asked 8 years ago

As part of our trip, we’re planning on renting a car and driving from La Fortuna to Manuel Antonio.  Since it’s a long drive and since our son is only 4, we’d like to stop several times along the way, however, there are several articles out there about how you shouldn’t leave anything in your car at any time.  During that 5-6 hour drive, we’ll be carry every single thing we have with us for the trip.  What do you think about the safety of our plan and/or what are the alternatives?
P.S. I found out about this website from someone who claims to be high school friends of yours :).

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Rob, 
Awesome that you found our site through a friend, thanks for checking it out. It is true that you need to take extra precautions with all your belongings in the car but there are some ways to do it. What we always do is carefully choose where we park. If going to a restaurant, park somewhere you can see the car from your table. Or if going to an attraction, make sure that the parking area has an attendant, park near the ticket booth, entrance way, etc. If you don’t feel comfortable leaving the car when you go into a store or something, you might just have to take turns going in. We also highly recommend that, when you do leave the car, you keep all your valuable electronics, travel documents, etc with you in a separate backpack. That way if something does happen, you have just lost clothing. Some people even bring a suitcase or two into the business or restaurant. Keep in mind that most car break-ins happen because someone left their car in a vulnerable spot like the beach, end of a trail, corner of a parking lot, or something like that. It doesn’t happen too often in busier places but it’s best to be safe. Hope this helps, have a great trip.