Travel safety

jcwhipple asked 8 years ago

Hello there!  What safety concerns should I be mindful of if I would like to travel with my 12 year old son to the Nicoya peninsula for surfing?  Are single women safely traveling in Costa Rica?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi jcwhipple, 
We have a post specifically about safety that you should check out: but yes single women are definitely traveling safely in Costa Rica. Just like anywhere you have to be aware of your surroundings but overall Costa Rica is a pretty safe place. Most incidents of crime are petty theft, and specific assaults against women are usually late at night when they are leaving bars/clubs alone (we always recommend having the bar/restaurant call you a taxi if you are worried about walking in the dark). For your son, you should also have him learn about rip currents if he doesn’t already know how to handle them.