Transportation options in CR

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsTransportation options in CR
Megan&Dylan asked 7 years ago

Thanks so much for you’re awesome blog! It has helped us greatly in planning our February Honeymoon! We already have out itinerary planned out as we are booking everything separately. We will be flying into SJO, staying in La Fortuna for a few days, then heading down to Manuel Antonio for a few days before flying out of SJO to go home. What transportation companies do you recommend to get from city to city? We are not opposed to private or public transportation, but do not want to rent a car and drive ourselves. 
Thank You!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Megan and Dylan,
Congrats on your honeymoon! Those are major destinations so you have good options for transportation. You could use shared shuttles if the departure times work for you. Or private shuttles, which leave at a custom time to fit your schedule. Shared are generally cheaper but make many stops for the other passengers, so take longer. Private ones will usually make a stop for a meal or quick sightseeing opportunity. If you need help booking a reliable company, let us know by sending an email to bookings(at)twoweeksincostarica(dot) com.