
jbl asked 7 years ago

We have traveled to Costa Rica 3 times. We will be going back at the end of January and visiting the Caribbean coast for the first time. We have 2 weeks. At first we weren’t planning on doing Tortuguero due to the length of our trip and it being out of  season for the main ‘turtle’ attraction. However, we are now leaning toward visiting there. I am hoping to get on the 7:30 am boat in La Pavona and spending one night there, leaving midday the following day. Looking at the map, is there a way to avoid going through La Pavona (other than Moin)? It looks like Parismina would also be an option. Or is the main attraction/wildlife area in the north? What are your thoughts?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi jbl,
Getting on the boat from La Pavona would probably make the most sense. I think going from Parismina would be an option, but probably more complicated and wouldn’t save time. There is not set boat schedules to Tortuguero from Parismina that we know of, so you’d have to arrange that once you get there. Tortuguero in 1 night/s days is doable if you get there early like you said. You could do the National Park’s waterway canals to see a lot of wildlife and then explore the town and turtle museum with the rest of your time. It will feel a little rushed but you’ll get to experience it.