Tenorio to Monteverde

lynns asked 7 years ago

First time in C.R. and perplexed about travel destinations and routes. We are exploring Rio Celeste area on a Friday and staying overnight. We have reservations in Monteverde on Sunday for 2 nights.  Smart to take in Arenal/La Fortuna on the way to Monteverde or do you have a better suggestion or route?  (We are heading to Samara following Monteverde.) Thanks much for your time and energy

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi lynns, 
Yes, you could take Route 6 to Route 4 and go down to La Fortuna before heading to Monteverde the next day. Or you could stay an extra night in Bijagua to explore. There is a lot more to do there than just the Rio Celeste like some hanging bridges, farm tour at Finca Verde, night tour, etc. If you drove to Monteverde from Bijagua, we’d recommend going back down Route 6 to Route 1 and then taking Route 606 to Monteverde. Either way you do it  you can use our Driving to Monteverde post to help with directions.