Stress Free October Options

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Itinerary QuestionsStress Free October Options
ajuliecaron asked 7 years ago

Hi! Your website is VERY helpful!
I want to do a trip in the south and not worry about hurricanes and earthquakes. I also want to avoid as much stress as I can in terms of getting by (transportation). So I don’t need to do many destinations. I could just stay in one place and chill. I need a trip to rest, not work! Where would be one place (or two) to stay for a week. Would cahuita and puerto viejo be a good option? I’m going in mid-october. Thank you so much for your help.

If I want to reduce transportation and stress to a minimum, basically, where should I go in october? I’m attracted by Tortuguero but it seems a bit stressful to go from san jose to there…
I would like a place where there is beach but also a national park and ideally, see some turquoise water! I’m going for 10 days. Would tortuguero and puerto viejo to far a part as my 2 destinations?

The other option that seems even less stressful would be to go to playa conchal (I would then arrive at the liberia airport) and then maybe go all the way to samara. that seems less traveling but :
1- Is the beach at playa conchal more worth it? The sand seems rough (seashells)
2- It seems like there is not much to do except beach in that area
3- The pacific coast in october…(rain), is it ok?