Status of 606

Jan Battiola asked 6 years ago

We are driving from Tamarindo to Monteverde on March 31.  I saw on your site that the 606 was being paved.  Any idea if it will be finished by end of March?  If not, what is the time estimate taking 145?  Thank you!!  Your site has been a great help to us.

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Jan, 
According to a recent article, the construction on Route 606 won’t be entirely completed until December of 2018. They are doing some large scale earth moving now and paving will follow later this year. It’s hard to say exactly but you can probably expect Route 145 through Juantas to take you an extra half-hour or 45 minutes. Please report back if you get a chance to let us know how it goes. Have a great trip!