Snorkeling on our own

SoleneSimon asked 6 years ago

Hi Jenn and Matt,
We will be in Costa Rica for the first time in two weeks from now (so excited!) and we would like to try snorkeling (will also be our first time). We have heard that going with a guide and/or renting the equipment could be a bit pricey so we are wondering whether it would be worth it to buy our own gear for the trip and snorkel on our own. We would buy a mask and a snorkel, would you recommend flippers as well? Not sure the suitcase will be big enough…!
During our trip we will spend some time in Cahuita and Uvita, do you know if it’s feasible to snorkel without a guide in these areas knowing that we are completely unexperimented? Or is it better to go with a guide?  T
hanks a lot for your help and for your website, so useful !
Pura vida  
Solene & Simon

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 6 years ago

Solene & Simon, 
From our experience, you’d probably want a guide for those areas since the ocean can be choppy. Especially if you are just starting out. A guide will bring you by boat out to an area that is calmer and set you up with a life jacket and all the equipment so you won’t have to lug it around. Before Jenn and I moved here we used to visit every year and every year we would haul around our snorkel gear and never get to use it (or very rarely). Hope it works out and you get to see some fish!