Should we freelance lodging

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Hotel and Lodging QuestionsShould we freelance lodging
sleepyjoe asked 8 years ago

We are flying into Liberia on 7/24 for a couple weeks and plan to check out the Pacific Coast for a possible long term move. We are starting in Samara, down to Santa Teresa, take the ferry over and head south to Uvita or maybe Drake Bay.  We haven’t made any lodging reservations because we want to stay flexible with our plans.  Will we be able to find lodging every night?  I’ve heard July can be a little busy.  Thanks!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi sleepyjoe,
You are right that it can be a little busy in July since a lot of people in Costa Rica take mid-year vacation in the first two weeks. Add to that the people coming from North America, who are on summer vacation. But the worst of it should be over by late July. If you are flexible about the types of accommodations you stay in you will be fine. We used to come in February (much busier than July/August) with no prior reservations and it always worked out somehow. You might just have to search around a bit. Have a great research trip!