Shop for self catering provisions!

DWQA QuestionsCategory: General Travel QuestionsShop for self catering provisions!
katy asked 8 years ago

Hi, we are planning our Costa Rica trip to arrive end of January and our first stop is currently San Gerardo de Dota. We plan to have a couple of nights here (B&B) then on to the Parque Nactionale Marino Ballena for a week or so. Is there anywhere en route where we would be able to stop and buy food, drinks etc as we plan to hire a self-catering villa / house for our stay on the coast? We don’t really want to stock up in San Jose if it can be avoided….. Many thanks! Katy

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Katy, 
You should make a stop in San Isidro de El General for your groceries. It’s a little city that you will pass right through on your way from San Gerardo to the coast. We’ve written an article about it that you can see here: San Isidro de El General. As for a store, Luferz has great stuff and is right off the highway. Also, if you are using our Rental Car Discount, make sure to ask Adobe about getting a cooler.