San Juan Del Sur to San Jose

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Itinerary QuestionsSan Juan Del Sur to San Jose
kuks104 asked 8 years ago

We are travelling from San Juan Del Sur (28/12) to eventually end up in San Jose (1/1/17) to catch a flight out.
Our initial plan was to hire a car in Liberia. This is working out to be quite expensive for 4 days (£400 + ). The plan with the car hire was to go via Monteverde and Arenal to San Jose. We will have spent 5 days in Drake bay earlier in the trip + 5 days in Nicaragua.
Are there any other ways we can get through Monteverde and Arenal. Our flight out is at 3pm on 01/01 therefore need to be in SJO by 12pm ish.
thank you 

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi kuks104,
That is the peak season so prices are high for rental cars. Have you checked out or rental car discount to see if that might save you some money? Otherwise, you could take a shuttles. There are many shared shuttle companies that pick you up at specific times (Interbus or Grayline are two of the bigger companies). Or you could take private shuttles that leave whenever you want. Just to give you an idea, a shared shuttle from Liberia to Monteverde is about $50 per person through the shared shuttle companies and a private shuttle, through a company that we work with, goes for $175 (up to 5 passengers). Shared is good if the times work for you and there aren’t too many in your party but let us know if you are interested in the private service and we can get you more information. Hope this answered your questions.