Road 927

carro61 asked 8 years ago

I just sent you a question about driving to Monteverde an then I found your wonderful site were it explained pretty much all I asked for. You guys are amazing!!!
How is the road 927 down to Tejona?  We love to take smaller roads but in Costa Rica who knows??
Anywhere I can find current road conditions for smaller roads in Costa Rica?
Thank you for all you do , Amazing website!!!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Again, 
We have never driven Route 927 but feel that it would take longer than going down Route 6, connecting with Route 1 south and then following our Driving to Monteverde post using Route 606. We have taken a cut through from the Rio Celeste area to Nuevo Arenal (Route 143) and it was very long and VERY bumpy. 927 might be similar but we don’t know. If you do drive it, please report back 🙂