rental car: Manuel Antonio and Orosi Valley

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation Questionsrental car: Manuel Antonio and Orosi Valley
squigoh asked 8 years ago

My husband and I will be traveling to Manual Antonio next month for our son’s wedding.  We are taking a few extra days and traveling to the Orosi Valley. Everything I’ve read suggests getting a 4WD.  The wedding planner says that is not necessary but I’m not sure if she is just talking about getting from San Jose airport to Manuel Antonio and back.  Is a 4WD necessary or not?
Also is there anything out of the ordinary I should know about renting a car there? CDW, companies to avoid, etc.

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

You definitely don’t need a 4×4 to visit Manuel Antonio and from what we have heard the roads in the Orosi Valley are pretty good. If you want to do some exploring off the main roads, though, a 4×4 vehicle is a good idea, especially since you are coming during the rainy season.
One thing to note about rentals here is that all the companies have to charge a mandatory liability insurance. Not all the companies include this in the rental quote so beware. The company we recommend, Adobe, includes the required insurance in their quotes. We also get a discount for our readers and some free extras, so check that out to save some money:
For more information about driving here in Costa Rica, you might also want to read our post about that:
Have a great trip!