Rental Car questions

katiebeeks asked 8 years ago

Hi Matt and Jenn. Thanks for answering my last question! I think we will decide to spend the majority of our time (5 days) in Puerto Viejo. Do you have any more suggestions on places to go/things to see along that area of the coast? I have scoured the specific page on P.V. but anymore insight is greatly appreciated.d

Also, since we will be spending so much time here I was wondering what you thought about car rentals. We will rent in San Jose, drive to La Fortuna for 3 days, then to Tortugeuro for 2 days. Then Puerto Viejo. To save some money, I would love to return the rental once we got to Puerto Viejo. we are big walkers and intend on walking or taking the local bus around. Is this a good idea? How is the bus system around here/getting to Calhuita/other activities in PV? We would re-rent the car at the end of our time there and drive it back to San Jose.

Thank you!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi katiebeeks, 
You won’t be able to drive the car all the way to Tortuguero, you’ll have to leave the car parked and take a boat (process in detail can be found in our Getting to Tortuguero post). And since La Fortuna to Tortuguero is a popular shuttle route, you might want to just return the car at the end of your time in La Fortuna. You can then shuttle to La Pavona/Tortuguero, and after Tortuguero, take another shuttle from Moin to Puerto Viejo. The bus system around Puerto Viejo is good and it runs up to Cahuita several times per day. You can rent a car to return to San Jose but the rental company will probably charge you a one way fee. I believe Adobe charges around $90. If you need help with shuttles, let us know.