Rental Car drop off

saulharry asked 8 years ago

Is it possible to drop off a rental car in Peurto Jimenez?
We are planning to rent from the airport in san jose, but need to fly from PJ to SJO on the 8th of january.  Thanks for your help!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi saulharry, 
Are you getting the car through our Rental Car Discount? If so, yes, Adobe will meet you in Puerto Jimenez so that you can return the car to them. You have to put the drop off location as Uvita and write a note on the reservation about how you want to leave it in Puerto Jimenez. They will send a representative there to meet you at the time you specify. They do charge a fee for this but it is worth it to not have to drop it off somewhere else. Have a great trip! 

sausalitomom replied 8 years ago

What about a Sierpe drop-off?

Jenn and Matt Staff replied 8 years ago

Yes, same thing for a Sierpe drop-off, just choose the Uvita location and write in the comments.