How to receive mail packages in Costa Rica

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Moving to Costa RicaHow to receive mail packages in Costa Rica
43andimfree asked 9 years ago

Might I begin by thanking you for doing such a fantastic job with your blog!! Your blog is so informative!! LOVE IT!
I’m Erica. My husband and I have been traveling to CR for years. We have decided to retire early. Our plan is to live in CR for 1 year. We’re not opposed to living there longer, it’s just that we have agreed, for the time being, to committ to 1 year. While my husband has taken over the responsibilities of income, housing, car, etc., I’m trying to line up what we need to pack and our homeschooling curriculum.
We’re getting it all laid out and it’s all coming together nicely (thanks to bloggers like you :)), but I do have a question…..would you mind giving me the scoop on the postal service? We are looking to relocate to Uvita, if this helps you.
Thanks for your time!