Public bus from Guapiles to Puerto Viejo

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsPublic bus from Guapiles to Puerto Viejo
Stine asked 8 years ago

Dear Jenn and Matt.
What a great website you guys have created!
I would like to know if it is possible to catch a public bus from Guapiles to Puerto Viejo? We will be arriving from Torteguero and were hoping to hop off the shuttle bus in Guapiles instead of returning to San Jose (seems more logic if we are heading south)
Best Regards Stine, from Denmark

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Stine, 
Thanks for visiting our site from Denmark! Yes, there are two options for the bus from Gaupiles to Puerto Viejo de Talamanca. One stops in Limon, where you will get a different bus and the other option is more or less direct between the two. The times vary. You can use the website:, which is usually pretty accurate, to plug in your dates and approximate times. Click earlier/later to see more time options. Then just double check the schedule when you get to the bus station to make sure they haven’t changed slightly. Have a great trip!