Passport expiration

P Herhol asked 6 years ago

Hi there – great website!
We just learned that although our two minor children’s passports expire 2.5 months after our upcoming trip to CR, we may have problems with our connecting flight through Panama (Copa Airlines) and/or entering CR. Can you provide any guidance? Unfortunately we leave in 4 days!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi P Herhol, 
Sorry to hear that, it must be stressful finding that out so last minute! We’re not sure what will happen when you try to enter the Costa Rica but you could have problems and be refused. The wording on the Embejada de Costa Rica (Costa Rica Embassy) website is a little unclear about if the 6 month requirement is for all US foreigners (including citizens) or just those who have US permanent residency, a student visa, or green card. It would probably be best to call them and speak with someone official that can interpret the law. If you do, make sure to take notes of who you speak with so that you can use that contact information if you need it when you enter the country. A call to Copa Airlines might also help since the airlines are usually the first ones to make sure all your documents are valid and they should know the requirements. Hope you find out and don’t have to cancel your trip. Please let us know how it works out.