Over ambitious agenda?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Itinerary QuestionsOver ambitious agenda?
Andrea asked 6 years ago

My finance and I will be taking our honeymoon to Costa Rica from Aug 21 to Sept 1! We are super excited. We rented a 4WD car as you recommended through Adobe, and created an agenda on places to go. However, after doing more research and due to ‘rainy season’, I’m worried if we are trying to visit too many locations. Looking up the drive times between locations on Google Maps seems reasonable, however, after reading many of your posts, I noticed that many of the roads are not well maintained. Our agenda is below:
21-Aug San Jose/La Fortuna
22-Aug La Fortuna
23-Aug La Fortuna
24-Aug La Fortuna/Taramindo
25-Aug Taraminda
26-Aug Taramindo/Norsa
27-Aug Norsa
28-Aug Norsa/Sanata Teresa
29-Aug Santa Teresa
30-Aug Santa Teresat/Manual
31-Aug Manual
1-Sep Manual/San Jose
Is this too ambitious? Do you have any recommendations?
Thank you in advance! 🙂