Options with kids if rain

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Itinerary QuestionsOptions with kids if rain
alexf asked 8 years ago

We are traveling to Costa Rica in mid October with a 5 and 3 year old. We were hoping to spend a week at the beach after flying into Liberia (playa grande being a prime choice but any with surf ok). Knowing it’s the rainy season, was wondering if you have any day trip suggestions for that area in case it pours for days and our indoor creativity is gone.
Thank you for any suggestions. Fantastic site too!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi alexf, 
Most of the activities in Guanacaste are outdoors but here are a few ideas that the kids might like. 1) There is a movie theater called Beach Cinema in Playa Hermosa. They show movies in Spanish and English and sometimes have kid friendly films. 2) Near Santa Cruz their is a tiny town called Guaitil where they hand make pottery. There are several different shops in town that will offer a free demonstration (about 20-30 minutes). They might even let the kids join in. 3) Don’t know much about this place but it looks perfect for a 5 and 3 year old. It’s called Plego Kids Club and you can just drop by for an hour and let the kids play with all the cool stuff.