Options for transportation

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsOptions for transportation
becca1rn asked 7 years ago

We are planning a trip to Costa Rica from 2/24/17-3/3/17; I would love to plan a great deal of this on our own but we are also considering an all inclusive at Riu Palace resorts, which friends have told me is nice BUT…..I have a friend who is highly suggesting Puerto Viejo Tamarindo and I am interested in Caribe Town? I am slightly overwhelmed though as I am not sure how to plan flights, looks like we will need to drive from San Jose, etc?? I am looking for some general guidance and opinions for our first trip and hopefully not our last. We would be flying out of Dulles most likely; HELP 🙂

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi becca1rn,

It really depends on what you are looking for in the trip. The resort will of course be nice but typically you don’t get a feel for the country or the culture. The two locations are also on opposite sides/corners of the country, which are very different in terms or climate and culture. Puerto Viejo de Talamanca is a great beach location and has a Caribbean vibe and very nice beaches. Though it is hot everywhere in Costa Rica that time of year, it will probably be a little less so on the Caribbean vs Guanacaste (where Riu is), which can be very hot and dry. Hope this helps you decide.Â