No Birth Certificate

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Moving to Costa RicaNo Birth Certificate
Max asked 6 years ago

Hello Matt and Jenn,
Your website is very nice and thank you so much for providing so much info on CR. I’m an immigrant to Canada, and I’ve been living in Canada for some years. I’m thinking about applying for the temporary residency (Rentista) in CR, but because when I was born in my home country, people didn’t have birth certificate. Now I’m in Canada and of course I don’t have a Birth Certificate. I was wondering if you happen to know what can substitute my Birth Certificate for the application?
Thank you,

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Max, 
That is a good question. I was just looking at the application instructions that we used (the ones that are available through the Migracion website). This is at the beginning of the application and explains what is needed to apply. It does seem that they have some provisions for people who do not have access to certain documents but I’m not sure that any of them would apply to you. The best thing to do would probably be to talk to a lawyer that specializes in residency or go directly to Migracion (with someone fluent in Spanish if you arent) and ask them yourself. Hope this helps and good luck!