
Caren asked 7 years ago

So we are looking to go first week in May hoping (and waiting until then) for most of the crowds to be gone by then since it is after Easter and just out of the \”peak\” season ?  We hate going on vacation when it\’s full of people (we are from NYC, the subway gives you enough of that experience daily so we like to feel space on vacation). We picked this hotel because it looks small and intimate/private it seems.  We normally go to more exclusive hotels, however made the mistake of going to a Secrets in Mexico since we were on a budge an we hated it, passionately.  This is a special 15 year anniversary trip so we are splurging.  Food is very important to us so I am happy you said the food is excellent.  We are also excited to try the local places, is most of the food pretty sustainable as we eat only organic.  How is the food in general in that regard, meaning when eating out local do I need to worry about where my chicken comes from or is most of the food form local farms etc.  Also I was looking at a day pass for Tabacon.  Some have lunch and dinner included.  How is the food there?  Is it a romantic experience.  Sorry for all the questions in one thread I figured it saves time then going to each category and posting separate questions…well for me anyway, lol.  Also staying at Nayara springs do we need a car or do they have access to get into town or go to Tabacon for example…should we be renting a car?  We assume we will fly into San Jose since we love jetblue and I know the hotel  has transfers.  Thanks!  Oh also is 8 night enough or do you not even need that many?

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Caren,
Early May shouldn’t be too busy, plus Nayara Springs is a secluded property where you don’t feel the crowds anyway. It’s not like Secrets at all either so don’t worry 🙂
Some of the meat and produce in Costa Rica is sustainable/organic but some is not. A lot of the meat comes from local farms, but some is from bigger companies, and unfortunately, it is usually hard to tell which you are getting unless it’s a farm-to-table restaurant. Costa Rica does have some organic produce, but they also use spray quite a bit. It’s easier if you’re living here because you can source your own stuff (we have an organic farmers market where we live), but much harder if you’re only visiting. Leaves and Lizards is a lodge with a farm and good food, but we don’t think it has the feel you’re looking for. We can’t think of any other farm to table or places that specialize in organic in La Fortuna, but there could very well be some. We know there are options in Monteverde (The Green Rest., Hotel Belmar, etc.), but not Fortuna. Ask around when you get there, though, there is most likely something.
We have not eaten at the Tabacon before, so can’t speak to that, but it is a very romantic environment. Go for the evening day pass.
Most people prefer to have their own car for La Fortuna as things are quite spread out, and restaurants, etc. will be a decent drive from the Nayara. You can either rent one from the airport or wait until you get to Fortuna and get one in town. The company we work with, Adobe, has an office there. Here’s a link to our rental car discount page to save 10% or more.
Hope that helps with your questions!