moving-from nj

Kelly asked 6 years ago

Hello there. I came across your blog and I am looking for the best advice as a mom of two babies and an old do, I am searching for a great place to start in Costa Rica. My husband is a tico from Perez Zeledon and after 20 years in the Us was deported back to his country. We have patiently waited a year with no answer to his visa approval and have been debating to sell and throw in the towel but just don’t know where to start. You would think my husband would have these answers but he isn’t one for sounding advice and doesn’t want me to blame him for making a Choice that may not be in our favor. For example his visa can potentially get approved by this winter. He is currently living with family in San Jose but I know I did not favor the city when we went to visit. Any suggestions !??

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Kelly,  That\’s really heartbreaking I\’m sure. Have you visited the area near Perez Zeledon (San Isidro de El General) or perhaps the communities near there that are closer to the beach? Platanillo, Dominical, etc? It\’s much more rural and very different than San Jose. And he would possibly have family in that area to help you get settled? Just one idea not knowing much about you. Hope it all works out and best wishes!