Is Puerto Viejo safe for a family vacation or should I look at another destination?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Itinerary QuestionsIs Puerto Viejo safe for a family vacation or should I look at another destination?
panmanlives asked 9 years ago

I’ve planned the following itinerary for my family of 5:  SJO->Puerto Viejo (4d)->Turrialba (2d)->Dominical (7d)->SJO. We love the natural beauty along with the AfroCarribean culture that Puerto Viejo has to offer but concerned about the security risks.  With 3 kids (9, 15 and 17) should I consider another location and avoiding this area? We have booked a home rental close to Banana Azul near Playa Negra. We travel to Mexico annually and have been to Jamaica and Puerto Rico without problems.