Immigration Lawyers

Fredi asked 8 years ago

Hi Jenn and Matt
First of  all….love your blogs and  so informative. I am looking  for  advice…my husband and I want to live in CR (we are here as tourists at the moment) but hate the every 90 day ordeal and dreading passport control. We have looked into all permitted residency requirements which really seem to cater for the retirement  generation …which we are not….we both work for companies based in Europe (all we need is  internet access!), so all we want to be able to do is live in CR but we are not looking to gain employment  here….hope this makes sense…do you  have any advice for  us or can  you recommend  a lawyer we can speak to to see if there are any options  for  us (we are both european passport holders)
any help or advice is welcome
Pura Vida!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Fredi,
I’m not sure we can offer anything more than you already know if you’ve researched this, but we’ll give it a try. If you’re not in retirement, we think your options are limited to rentista or inversionista residency. Rentista requires putting a certain amount of money in a Costa Rica bank and inversionista requires making an investment, say in a business or buying a home. Having a baby here is another option and how we applied but obviously that choice is not for everyone! Good luck figuring it all out. We know what a pain those border crossings are.