House Sitting in Nosara

zsky21 asked 9 years ago

I will be visiting Nosara with my 8 year old from July 11- Aug. 11. I would love to find a housesitting/petsitting
position. We are super excited to get to stay in Nosara for a month, and are traveling on a budget.
Thank you! Michelle

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 9 years ago

Hi Michelle, 
It might be hard to get a house or pet sit for those exact dates but it is worth a try. Maybe try posting that you are available in the Nosara Classified Ads Facebook Group. A lot of expats travel during the rainy season so maybe there is hope. Good luck and enjoy Nosara!  

zsky21 replied 9 years ago

Thank you for the info. I signed up to that fb page. I had 2 friends on the page:) If you have other good resources like that page can you let me know. I really appreciate it!