Guanacaste sites to visit with kids

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Itinerary QuestionsGuanacaste sites to visit with kids
jra67 asked 8 years ago

We will be in Guanacaste March 23-30 with our 2 kids (ages 10 and 12). Playa Hermosa will be our base, but we plan some day trips. We’re looking for sites our kids would like that won’t take a lot of hiking. From “Two Weeks” we learned about Las Pumas Rescue Center and Llanos de Cortes, which sound great. Any other suggestions? Also, from your site we learned it will be Holy Week part of the time we’re there — how might that affect our trip? Thanks for the great information you provide!

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi jra67, 
Rincon de La Vieja National Park is a cool place to check out since it has some volcanic features. The hiking isn’t too hard, although it can be very very hot that time of year. But you don’t have to do the whole loop, you could just do part. Also nearby Rincon, there is a a place called Hacienda Guachipelin, which does various tours like zip-lining, horseback riding, etc. That area will have a little bit more of a jungle feel and be greener than Playa Hermosa since you are visiting during the height of the dry season. 
Another option is a Palo Verde Riverboat Tour. Like Rincon, it is a little far from Playa Hermosa, but a whole different type of habitat. The tour takes you on a boat up the beautiful Tempisque River. You can see lots of wildlife like monkeys, crocodiles, iguanas, and tons of birds. Shaman Tours is one company that we know of that offers that tour.
As for Semana Santa (Holy Week), things will be really busy at the beach but other than that it shouldn’t impact you too bad. Make sure to book tours in advance and you should be set. If you are flying into Liberia you shouldn’t have to worry about any crazy traffic jams. If from San Jose, read this thread: