Gifts for Ticos

apierrat asked 8 years ago

I have my itinerary all planned for 5 weeks in CR. We are taking Spanish lessons while there and want to speak daily with the Costa Ricans. What would be good gifts to bring for people. I was thinking polarized sunglasses because the last time I was there, we saw most of the people walking in the hot sun without protection.

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi apierrat, 
Five weeks will give you lots of Spanish practice, sounds awesome! We’ve always had a hard time with what to give as gifts to our Tico friends. What has always gone over really well though were things from where we are from. They are always very interested to hear in what it is like in the city, state, region where we are from. We’re from Maine/New England so things like maple syrup (our friend didn’t believe us that it came from a tree!), craft items with moose or autumn leaves (think coffee mug), artwork with a landscape scene, or even professional sports team stuff like a Red Sox key chain, hat, etc. Anyway, maybe those ideas will spark some ideas from your home town. Buena suerte!