How far in advance to book accommodations for January?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Hotel and Lodging QuestionsHow far in advance to book accommodations for January?
heidisy asked 9 years ago

Hi Matt and Jenn,
My fiancé and I are considering taking our honeymoon in Costa Rica in January 2016. We came across your blog–it’s beautiful and so helpful! We know that January is high tourist season there, and we are wondering if it’s still possible to escape the crowds and have a quiet and relaxing experience there at that time of year. We also started some preliminary research into some off-the-beaten-path lodging options, and a few things already look almost booked! When would you suggest that we have our accommodations booked by, especially if we are looking for unique and more secluded options?
Thanks so much, we’d so appreciate your advice!
Heidi and Francis