Drop rental in Puerto Jiminez?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsDrop rental in Puerto Jiminez?
rixtrips@comcast.net asked 7 years ago

Love your books & site.  Rental car link does not show a possible dropoff in Puerto Jiminez?       Also cellphone info says you can\\\’t use ATT iphone; ATT says you can and is happty to charge $60 for an intl plan for a month…  Thanks.

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi rixtrips, 
Adobe does not have an office location in Puerto Jimenez. Because it is far away from other offices they charge a fee of $150 to drop off or pick up a car there. If you prearrange it with them you can meet them between 10am-12pm at the airstrip. 
For the AT&T phone, many carriers have started offering international plans for travelers, thanks for letting us know about that one.