Driving Directions to Guanacaste Coast from Monte Verde

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transportation QuestionsDriving Directions to Guanacaste Coast from Monte Verde
sunrise5656 asked 8 years ago

Hola Matt and Jenn! I really love your website! And appreciate the directions posted from San Jose to Monte Verde Cloud Forest. I was wondering if you might have recommendations for driving directions from Monte Verde  to 3 Km North West from Panama Beach Main Entrance Playa Arenilla, Provincia de Guanacaste, 50503, Costa Rica. We will be traveling mid-July.
Best Regards

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi Dawn, 
You’ll just take route 606 to Route 1, like we mention in the Driving to Monteverde Post. Then go up to Liberia on Route 1, west on Route 21 until the Do it Center (big hardware store on the right after the airport). There you will take a right onto 254 and then a left onto 254. When you get to the intersection near Playa Panama, go right and follow that road. Roads are all paved from Route 1 onward. Have a safe trip!