domestic air and lodging recommendation in Monteverde

DWQA QuestionsCategory: Itinerary Questionsdomestic air and lodging recommendation in Monteverde
Stacy asked 7 years ago

Thank you for your website. It is really Great!!
I am planning a trip to Cahuita and interior CR (probably Monteverde area). I would like to maximize our time by flying from San Jose to Limon. Is this possible and what airline/air service does this? Is it safe?
Also, if we spend time in the Monteverde area, what is a good but budget friendly lodging? My son is 8 and loves tree houses. This would have to be on a budget. Also, is it best to drive from San Jose to Monteverde area? How long does it take?
One last thing, if we stay in the Monteverde area, what 3-5 things are best to see/enjoy with an 8 yr old?
THANK YOU!!!  Stacy

1 Answers
Jenn and Matt Staff answered 7 years ago

Hi Stacy, 
Sansa Airlines has flights from San Jose to Limon, they are one of the 2 major domestic airlines here and have a pretty good safety record. The other one, Nature Air, doesn’t fly there that we know of.
For Monteverde, yes, driving there makes sense (or taking a shuttle). The drive is about 3 hours and you can use our Driving to Monteverde post to learn more about the conditions. For hotels, check out our Monteverde Hotel Guide, which has some great budget options. Also read our Monteverde Destination post for some fun activities to do with your son. Hope this helps get you started.